kadang-kadang kta lalui liku2 yg pnuh dgn ksedihan,kekecewaan n kepiluan..dan kadang2 kta akn lalui jln yg lurus dgn selesa,gembira n bahagia serta xnk saat2 gtu berlalu bgitu ajer n klu ble nk kekal mcm tu jer.btul tak???
hem..pape pun,mcm tu la hmba..da hri yg menyedihkan n da hri yg mengembirakan...meh la hmba cte ckit kat sni sbb hamba sbnarnya mls la nk update blog nie tp asa cm agk bersjarah gk pe yg hmba nk cte nie...so,hmba terpkir gk kn..ne tau 1 ari nnti..hmba pya ank cucu cicit nk bca....haha...lwk jer...
ok..bru2 nie hmba da blik umah...sja blik sbb mgu dpn xdpt blik sbb da test...so,blik la hmba dgn bestnya..yela coz dpt jpa mak ayah n blik ksyangn ku...hehe..so,ayh hmba dtg amik..mak xikot..pas smpai rumah..trus mluru msok blik letak brg2...sblm msok tu...nmpak gelap smcm jer blik..kt luar blik da almari mak yg dlu berdiri gah di blik mak..then msuk jer blik hmba..ya ampun..kalah supermarket giant,tesco,aneka,carrefour,n so on laa...mau x nye..bju krung mak bersgkut2....dgn mja alat makeup mak...dgn almari2 n rak2 bju..ayoyo...xjd blik hmba dh nie...yela..almari solek hmba yg penoh dgn gmbar2 hodoh hmba pun dh dok cerok mne ntah...so,pas letak beg,agk kelam kabot gk coz da appoinment dgn ashy...hehe..
so,cri laa mak...ma ooooo maa...xde org jwb pon..agknye mak g umah jiran kot..xpe la,hmba pon g mta izin ayh gna kreta then trus siap2 s'simple yg mgkin n drive la kreta g aneka....
nie ke good news???xlaa...nie mukadimah nieee....ai...gelojoh...
so,ari tu,msa d hbiskn dhn ashy laaa....g as...
then...blik tu,da mak sdare dtg...so,just cm besa.nothings great at there but the good news is when i have discuss wit my mum at outside of my house about the great story which make me upset,then,u know what my mum have told me??thats time,i have ask my mum,its fair n great if im break off my relation with my dear.so,many things that we have talk n discuss together n the last and the best part my mum ask me to continue the relation and stay in the relation but must aware with isamic principal.at that time,i feel so calm n greatful because Allah create me a mum like my mum Rahimah Ahmad.she's understand me and help me in many of my problem.thanks mum..love u so much...em...so,when im listened bout that,i have ask my mum why she say and ask me like that..my mum then told me taht she know,i cant afford with the decision if i make it one day n my mum know that i love him soo much.b4 we stop the discussion,i have hug my mum n kiss her with a lot my love.i want she know that she's a fantastic mum in this world..the end.haha.so,we proceed about the next day lah yer..hem...
actually sume cte kt sni xla good news sgt..da gk excident2 yg wat mak hmba trauma..hah,nk tau x???the next day,hmba g aneka dgn mak hmba..ktorg g bli hdiah utk 2pupu hmba..die nk khwen...the next2 week..huhu..so,sblm msok psrya,mak hmba jln kt dpn n hmba jln blkg mak hmba..ktorg da nmpak da mto nk lalu dpn ktorg..so,thats time my mum want to across road by herself and i still walk at the same side n dont think to across the road 4 that time..after that,mto yg dibonceng oleh mnusia agk buntal n bpkaian agk selekeh n topi yg da crmin gelap...go to my mum at the middle of the road when my mum acroos the road...firstly,mak hmba d tkot2kn dgn pembonceng mto tu dgn cra pnungangan nye..then,tgan pembonceng tu..mla la nk rgut beg mak..nsib bek mak hmba nie jnis yg sgt berhati2...n hmba mnyaksikan pe tjd d dpn mta hmba sendri...hurm..pe lg..mak hmba jrit laaa..."kawaaaaqqq"...yg hmba lak, tersembur kuar "wooii,bodo...."kah3..xpasal2 kna ayt bdo dr ank dra nie...waaaa..terkjut gk hmba..xpnah2 hmba jrit gtu..xpe la..pe slhnye nk tunjuk bgus..keh2..hem..then..agk trauma mak hmba smpai msok pasraya pon xslesa nk bli brg pe...blik mah pon xsenag dduk...xpe la..pkra nk blaku..papepon,xjd pape kt ktorg..beg mak pon xkna rgut..Alhmdulillah...
now,we proceed lah..kpd ape yg good news brikutnya...rni,hmba da cramah agama smpna maulid nabi junjungan kta Nabi Muhammad S.A.W....xde pe yg mnarik except the last of the talk..agk terkjut krna da lg rpa2 nya hint2 mcm sblm nie..da slh sorg student tya kan tntag couple nie hram...so,mta ustz tu explain kn...so,ustz tu explain ar..die ckp...COUPLE MMG HARAM...jeng3..beku otk hmba...trus air mka hmba brubah tp hmba je la yg sedar..hehe..then,the next statement is TP BUKAN PADA WORD COUPLE OR RELATION BETWEEN GIRL & BOY...plak dh???so...bru la die terangkan...yang haram nye adlah pda amaln n perbuatan dlm couple...skiranya org yg blm bercouple..pkir la sebaik mungkin n pda yg telah bercouple,jga lah btas2 pergaulan anda n jga nfsu...n mcm2 laaa...hehe....so,kranya,ble la kot yer..haha...
thats all for now...nk g mkn nie..lpor...haha
daa n ASsalamualaikum w.b.t
hem..pape pun,mcm tu la hmba..da hri yg menyedihkan n da hri yg mengembirakan...meh la hmba cte ckit kat sni sbb hamba sbnarnya mls la nk update blog nie tp asa cm agk bersjarah gk pe yg hmba nk cte nie...so,hmba terpkir gk kn..ne tau 1 ari nnti..hmba pya ank cucu cicit nk bca....haha...lwk jer...
ok..bru2 nie hmba da blik umah...sja blik sbb mgu dpn xdpt blik sbb da test...so,blik la hmba dgn bestnya..yela coz dpt jpa mak ayah n blik ksyangn ku...hehe..so,ayh hmba dtg amik..mak xikot..pas smpai rumah..trus mluru msok blik letak brg2...sblm msok tu...nmpak gelap smcm jer blik..kt luar blik da almari mak yg dlu berdiri gah di blik mak..then msuk jer blik hmba..ya ampun..kalah supermarket giant,tesco,aneka,carrefour,n so on laa...mau x nye..bju krung mak bersgkut2....dgn mja alat makeup mak...dgn almari2 n rak2 bju..ayoyo...xjd blik hmba dh nie...yela..almari solek hmba yg penoh dgn gmbar2 hodoh hmba pun dh dok cerok mne ntah...so,pas letak beg,agk kelam kabot gk coz da appoinment dgn ashy...hehe..
so,cri laa mak...ma ooooo maa...xde org jwb pon..agknye mak g umah jiran kot..xpe la,hmba pon g mta izin ayh gna kreta then trus siap2 s'simple yg mgkin n drive la kreta g aneka....
nie ke good news???xlaa...nie mukadimah nieee....ai...gelojoh...
so,ari tu,msa d hbiskn dhn ashy laaa....g as...
then...blik tu,da mak sdare dtg...so,just cm besa.nothings great at there but the good news is when i have discuss wit my mum at outside of my house about the great story which make me upset,then,u know what my mum have told me??thats time,i have ask my mum,its fair n great if im break off my relation with my dear.so,many things that we have talk n discuss together n the last and the best part my mum ask me to continue the relation and stay in the relation but must aware with isamic principal.at that time,i feel so calm n greatful because Allah create me a mum like my mum Rahimah Ahmad.she's understand me and help me in many of my problem.thanks mum..love u so much...em...so,when im listened bout that,i have ask my mum why she say and ask me like that..my mum then told me taht she know,i cant afford with the decision if i make it one day n my mum know that i love him soo much.b4 we stop the discussion,i have hug my mum n kiss her with a lot my love.i want she know that she's a fantastic mum in this world..the end.haha.so,we proceed about the next day lah yer..hem...
actually sume cte kt sni xla good news sgt..da gk excident2 yg wat mak hmba trauma..hah,nk tau x???the next day,hmba g aneka dgn mak hmba..ktorg g bli hdiah utk 2pupu hmba..die nk khwen...the next2 week..huhu..so,sblm msok psrya,mak hmba jln kt dpn n hmba jln blkg mak hmba..ktorg da nmpak da mto nk lalu dpn ktorg..so,thats time my mum want to across road by herself and i still walk at the same side n dont think to across the road 4 that time..after that,mto yg dibonceng oleh mnusia agk buntal n bpkaian agk selekeh n topi yg da crmin gelap...go to my mum at the middle of the road when my mum acroos the road...firstly,mak hmba d tkot2kn dgn pembonceng mto tu dgn cra pnungangan nye..then,tgan pembonceng tu..mla la nk rgut beg mak..nsib bek mak hmba nie jnis yg sgt berhati2...n hmba mnyaksikan pe tjd d dpn mta hmba sendri...hurm..pe lg..mak hmba jrit laaa..."kawaaaaqqq"...yg hmba lak, tersembur kuar "wooii,bodo...."kah3..xpasal2 kna ayt bdo dr ank dra nie...waaaa..terkjut gk hmba..xpnah2 hmba jrit gtu..xpe la..pe slhnye nk tunjuk bgus..keh2..hem..then..agk trauma mak hmba smpai msok pasraya pon xslesa nk bli brg pe...blik mah pon xsenag dduk...xpe la..pkra nk blaku..papepon,xjd pape kt ktorg..beg mak pon xkna rgut..Alhmdulillah...
now,we proceed lah..kpd ape yg good news brikutnya...rni,hmba da cramah agama smpna maulid nabi junjungan kta Nabi Muhammad S.A.W....xde pe yg mnarik except the last of the talk..agk terkjut krna da lg rpa2 nya hint2 mcm sblm nie..da slh sorg student tya kan tntag couple nie hram...so,mta ustz tu explain kn...so,ustz tu explain ar..die ckp...COUPLE MMG HARAM...jeng3..beku otk hmba...trus air mka hmba brubah tp hmba je la yg sedar..hehe..then,the next statement is TP BUKAN PADA WORD COUPLE OR RELATION BETWEEN GIRL & BOY...plak dh???so...bru la die terangkan...yang haram nye adlah pda amaln n perbuatan dlm couple...skiranya org yg blm bercouple..pkir la sebaik mungkin n pda yg telah bercouple,jga lah btas2 pergaulan anda n jga nfsu...n mcm2 laaa...hehe....so,kranya,ble la kot yer..haha...
thats all for now...nk g mkn nie..lpor...haha
daa n ASsalamualaikum w.b.t
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